Local Events

Considering the large number of the interested young professionals in participating in the international training in Vienna and their further engagement in the Spatial Justice project, GO2 decided to organize the post workshop by inviting all the applicants. There were 23 young professionals with different backgrounds such as architects, urban planners, law, cultural heritage, environmental protection, urban sociology and business administration, who practiced their profession either in studios, NGOs, municipalities, planning agencies etc. The selected urban advisor in Vienna shared their experience of the 3-day program and the development models that were presented. In addition, the GO2 team highlighted the positive fact that so many young professionals are gathered in the common space, taking place also in the successful model of alternative space in the city, Tek Bunkeri, in Tirana. The meeting was focused on exchanging experiences and talking about opportunities in the future for their active engagements and potential urban changers. Moreover, GO2 introduced the gamification tool, the “Right to the City” game that is to be implemented during the local events. Since most of the participants are active citizens in some urban issues and some of them in particular already work with local communities, this has been a great opportunity to also discuss how to involve the community more, and strengthen the way we communicate with them.